Recently, there has been a huge wave of enthusiasm circulating throughout the special education world. Well, maybe actually throughout the entire world. From moms to therapists and teachers, the Apple iPad is the new rage.  I love technology – especially Apple’s technology.

I am the proud owner of an iTouch, iPhone, and Macbook…and as of last Friday, an iPad! This influx of technology is really astounding.  How did the average household become so technology dependent?  I honestly am not sure what I would do without my iPhone.  Let’s not think about that.
Anyway, just to reflect…When I started using my iPhone back in 2008, I was excited to see how Apple’s technology was so user friendly and intuitive.  A PC girl all throughout my college, grad school, and early working years, I soon realized how much I had missed. Here was this device (my new iPhone) that I could start using instantly and operating without having to feel lost or intimidated.  I immediately saw how the iPhone’s user-friendly interface was very simple and so much fun to use.  It was cool, powerful, simple, and made my life so much easier.  How could a cell phone do all that? Truly amazing.
As a Speech Pathologist, I’ve used older technology to help clients communicate again after having suffered a stroke. The types of AAC devices that I was using were good and necessary; however, I felt like I spent most of the time just trying to troubleshoot them.  I found that I was spending precious time just setting up what should have been a simple communication board.  Not only were they complicated to navigate and program, those older AAC devices weighed half as much as I did and cost thousands of dollars.  I kept finding myself saying, “I wish Apple would come out with an AAC device!”  Well, the iPad and the apps that are now available through the iTunes store do just that…and so much more.  As I write this, there are hundreds of apps available for communication as well as specific skills like articulation.   There are also many apps that are useful to teachers and educators.
So now that I have my iPad, I am beginning to download apps!  Do you have a favorite communication/speech therapy app?  What is it?  I’d love to gather a list of great apps for speech therapy.  I will be sharing with you my favorites and making some recommendations.
Stay tuned for more on my adventures in app-land! 🙂
Did I mention that ilove technology??? um…well, ido.


  • Trish says:

    Did you get the most recent ipad?

    • Heather says:

      Hi Trish,
      I have 2 iPad2s for my speech and language program at my school district. They are awesome. I heard the iPad3 is amazing though. My mom is getting 2 for her classroom. I may have to sneak over to her hallway and play around with it and then let you know what I think! 🙂

  • Kathy L says:

    Proloquo2Go is a relatively inexpensive ($189.99) but powerful AAC system for the iPad, iPhone or iTouch. It comes pre-programmed with lots of vocab and communication boards but what I love most is that it is so easy to create your own boards with the camera function of the iPad.

  • Heather says:

    Thanks! I’ve been reading about this app and will hopefully get to use it with some of my students next year. The camera function on the iPad or iPhone will make creating communication boards so much easier! I love that feature.

    • Courtney Decker says:

      Another great AAC app is TalkTablet. It has similar functions to Proloquo2Go, but is 89.99 (US version). Compare the two and see what you think! =) I just found your blog and think it is great! Thanks for sharing your thoughts for those of us non-bloggers! =)

  • Trae D says:

    Hi Trish! I have encountered so many AWESOME tools that have wowed me. I am not a professional educator, however I am MOM to two amazing children 7yrs apart in age. The ASD spectrum is vast, but I have been blessed with SLP therapist and her family that actually create apps! Each of my children are opposites as far as “the scale” goes. One is extremely articulate to the point that we were unaware there were neuro issues until a much later age than my youngest who is non-verbal. As I started to share my favorite apps I discovered I couldn’t choose. So I’d like to recommend a book that I depend on greatly… “APPS for AUTISM” written by Lois Jean Brady, M.A., CCC-SLP They are not only for PDD or ASD but extremely helpful.

    • Heather says:

      How wonderful to be so connected with a great SLP/app developer! The book also sounds like a very helpful resource to have. Best wishes for continued success with your children. Thanks for stopping by to share your story! Take care.

  • Cyndi says:

    I have only had my iPAD 2 since January, all the SLP’s, OT and special ed teacher received one. I can’t believe how wonderful this device is. I’m a seasoned SLP (30 years now) and this is wonderful. I use it every day with all my special needs preschool children. It’s been amazing how the children have responded to this device. I’ve been pretty happy with most of the apps, but some are really bad. I really love love love the Articulation Station app. It’s $80 but well worth it. No more hunting for the cards you need for that child. It saves so much time. I don’t usually do group therapy, but if you did it would be wonderful to be able to switch sounds and levels within a few seconds, plus it’s so easy to keep data.

  • Heather says:

    Hi Cyndi,
    So glad to hear that your students are responding so well to your iPad. Our whole special education team (resource, SDC, OT, speech) received iPads as well. I have seen the same enthusiasm from my kiddos! I love Articulation Station too! It is a great app for arctic practice. The ‘group session’ feature is great too.

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