I created this fun Back-to-School Bingo Game featuring a variety of conceptual vocabulary for our language kiddos to play. I hope you like it and that it’s helpful! You can absolutely use this in your school-based program or private practice! The links are below! I’m sorta sad that I won’t be working in the schools again for a long time. Did I tell you I resigned? I’ll just take a second and catch you up on what’s been happening with me. Just keep reading!
So I had to unexpectedly leave my job as a school SLP mid-year in 2012, when my daughter got sick. I was gone until July of 2013. Then I asked my district for a leave of absence for one year (last year). I decided this past March that being a mommy was my top priority so I officially RESIGNED from the school. I still can’t believe it. I left a job in a town 7 hours away to come back to my home town to work with kids at the elementary school. I loved that school position. My speech Aide, Laurie was a wiz at therapy and helped me in so many ways. I will miss her. So bittersweet.
I started a small private practice in 2012, while I was working as a school SLP. I didn’t advertise because I always had enough kids to see while still working at my school job. So now that I’m officially not employed by the school, I am beginning to advertise a little bit more and build my case load a bit. I will always miss my school job. It was the best school position an SLP could hope to have. I still think I’m a little crazy for resigning.
I ran into a teacher I work with at Von’s last summer and told her my situation and what I was thinking of doing and what she said really stuck with me. She said, “you know, the one thing I don’t regret is taking 6 years off to be home with my kids.” And that’s just the truth of it. I don’t want to miss this time I have with them. I went back to work very soon after my first baby was born and it wasn’t easy for me.
Financially, is it the smartest thing for us? Definitely not. I just don’t want to miss these years with my babies.
Love and happy back-to-school,
Back-to-School Bingo Game Cards
Back-to-School Bingo Game Board A
Back-to-School Bingo Game Board B
Back-to-School Bingo Game Board C
Back-to-School Bingo Game Board D
Wow! Great to find a post knkincog my socks off!