I thought I would check in and see how you are doing? Thank you so much for all of your sweet and encouraging comments on my free resources page! I am so grateful for each one of you and I love when you reach out and let me know how you are doing and which speech worksheets you are using and liking! I know things are still very crazy out there and I feel like this is a time of so many changes. I think sometimes God uses hard situations to mold us and shape us. Like I said in my other note on my Free Downloads page, I do not believe God causes bad things to happen to us, but our current fallen world has left us in this period of time where there is suffering and tribulation and hardships. Jesus promises though, that this life is not forever nor is it meant to be our permanent home. He has a plan and He is still working it out in our individual lives and for the world. You can trust Him. You can hope in His mercy. Today I read this scripture: “But the Lord stood with me and gave me strength…” 2 Timothy 4:17. He is standing with you today to give you strength. The Lord has never left us alone and He never will. Please comment on this post and let me know what you are doing to stay hopeful and encouraged during this time! I pray love and peace to your hearts.