I hope you all had a fun and safe 4th of July celebration yesterday! I am so thankful for this country. God bless the USA! So as the title of this post says, happy 4th and happy summer speech giveaways! Yes, that means I will be giving you, my dear readers, some free stuff!
I am beginning to think about my caseload and therapy for this coming 2012-2013 (gasp!) school year. I already started to order some materials for therapy as well as some speech room necessities like my wall calendar – which I LOVE, by the way. I order mine every year from Quill. I hang it right behind my therapy table. Each month I draw a little picture on various days to mark any holidays or important dates. This large, calendar has been a great visual for talking to my students about holidays, days of the week, months of the year, seasons, etc. I highly recommend having a large wall calendar in your speech room.
Anyway, I thought it would be fun to do some summer giveaways for you! I am thinking of giving away some games/materials/gift cards to a few lucky blog readers! Whether you are a mom or dad, Speech Pathologist, Speech Pathology Assistant, or graduate Student, I hope you will find what I will be giving away to be useful and fun!
I will be announcing the items I am giving away in the next couple weeks! I’m so excited! I loved giving my students their “Summer Fun Communication and Literacy Gift Bags” and I wanted to give you something too! I wish you all could win! Please stay tuned for more information on how to enter to win one of my summer speech giveaway prizes!