Angry Birds definitely make my students happy!
Any of your students in need of some motivation? Are you in need of some new prizes or rewards? Well, I have a great idea. Since I got my iPads, my students usually always ask to play Angry Birds. I have let them play a few rounds at the end of a session as a reward for working hard for their 25 minutes. I have used this app in between drills, but decided it was better used as an end of therapy reward. Since Angry Bird’s is my most requested iPad game, I decided to reserve it for special occasions!

I know. I’m probably the meanest speech teacher ever, but my kids really didn’t seem to mind. It has actually helped motivate them more I think. Making Angry Birds a little less attainable is working out pretty well. I explained to them that from now on, they will have to earn an Angry Birds card to play. They get these passes or cards as a reward from me for random “I caught you being awesome!” instances. They can also get an Angry Birds card if they choose one from our speech room prize box. (I give prizes for attendance (i.e. after every 10 times they come to speech, they can pick a prize from the treasure chest). I also give prizes for returning homework that has been signed by a helper. My students can use their Angry Birds pass when they wish to play a few rounds. This has worked great so far.
Here are the cards I made up. I just printed them out on card stock, cut them into smaller cards, and laminated them. I put a few in our prize box and kept a few to hand out randomly. Just click to download the reward cards and print! Let me know what you use for prizes, reinforcers, and motivators!

One Comment

  • Kendra Egan says:

    So Funny you posted this! I saw this today and made me think of all the kiddos who bring in their angry birds toys into therapy! One of my cohorts actually builds tall human size towers with his client! He LOVES it! Great Post!

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